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Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

Looping/ Iteration in C Programming

Sup' guys, today im going to share about Looping And Iteration In C Programming.
Loop is actually Looping, it allows you to iterate something until specified times, and stop at specified point.
to help you understand, see the Loop / Iteration Flowchart below:


in Looping, Basically i use :

i'll explain all of it to you , starting with 

While .
  for me, Example is the Best teacher. so ill give the example directly to you , jump to Code::Blocks !

*this example is about finding the average glass of water drunk per day in a week.

*same example

*same example

 Basically, Do While is a bit similar to While
 the difference is in While, you state the loop condition first then give instruction. but in Do-Whle , you do the instruction first , Then state the loop condition

  Hope this Helps 
Peace !


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